Institutional donors

Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) of US AID, USA

Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) of US AID, USA

US AID has been supporting the Aid in Danger project since 2019.

Aid in Danger III: Security Information: Data, Information and Practice – ADSI-DIP (2023-2026) supports the coordination, sharing, or exchange of security incident information and data and develops mobiles applications and information and content management platforms that promote best practices in security incident information management (SIIM) to assist data and information sharing and analysis across the aid sector through consumable data and analysis for improved decision-making and response. This project builds on previous work supported by the Office for Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA).

Aid Security Information (ASI): Incident Data Sharing and Analysis (2020-2022)

Humanitarian Security Incident Information Sharing and Analysis (2017-2019)

European Commission - ECHO, EU

European Commission – ECHO, EU

Hunger and Conflict: protecting people in armed conflict and related violence settings from food insecurity, promoting IHL

compliance (2022-2024) which supports our work on Conflict and Hunger.

Ending violence against healthcare in conflict: documentation, tools, and data-informed advocacy to stop and prevent attacks (EVAC) together with the Safeguarding Health in Conflict Coalition (SHCC) and the International Rescue Committee (IRC). 2021-2022

Humanitarian Security Incident Information Management: Sharing, Training and Analysis (SIIM) together with GISF and RedR UK. (2016-2018)

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), United Kingdom

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), United Kingdom

Researching the Impact of Attacks on Healthcare (RIAH) project at the Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute (HCRI) at the University of Manchester. RIAH supports the production of the annual Safeguarding health in Conflict Coalition (SHCC) report and the news briefs on attacks on healthcare every two weeks as well as issues briefs on Myanmar, Sudan and Ukraine.

Support via the H2H Network fund for selected activations including social media monitoring in the aftermath of the floods in Libya (2023-24) and the earthquake in Türkiye and Syria (2023). Providing monitoring and analysis on the conflict impact in Sudan (2023), in Ethiopia (2021), the food security crisis in the Horn of Africa, the response in the post Haiti earthquake (2021) the attacks on healthcare in the DRC during the Ebola response (2019) the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on aid security and violence against healthcare during the pandemic (2020).

Federal Department for Foreign Affairs, Switzerland

Federal Department for Foreign Affairs, Switzerland

Reporting, Technical Assistance, and Advocacy to Protect Health Workers, Services, and Infrastructure in War, together with Johns Hopkins University. (2020-2021)

Partnership Project to promote evidence-based security Management / decision-making among Humanitarian Actors. (2012-2014)

Agencia Vasca de coperatión al Desarolla (AVCD), Basque Country

Agencia Vasca de coperatión al Desarolla (AVCD), Basque Country

Hunger and Conflict (2022)

Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID), Spain

Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID), Spain

Hunger and conflict: accountability for using hunger as a weapon of war.

Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway

Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway

Support for documenting the reverberating effects for the Explosive Weapons Monitor (2021-2024)

Charitable Foundations

Tides Foundation, US

Tides Foundation, US

We are grateful for the support for the project protection of health care in armed conflict and

situations of political volatility carried out together with the Center for Public Health and Human Rights at Johns Hopkins University (2023-2025)

Research donors

IIA, ESRC Impact Acceleration Account, University of Manchester

Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame, USA

Kellogg Institute for International Studies
University of Notre Dame, USA

Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts,
University of Notre Dame, USA

Other donors

Robin Coupland donated the proceeds from the sale of his paintings to Insecurity Insight in the early start up years. See his talk about beautiful stuff here.