Over the last three years, our partner organisations are increasingly reporting attacks of a sexual nature on aid workers through their security incident reporting mechanisms. This is welcomed, but we know that the data collected through our partners is only the surface of what aid workers are actually facing, due to under-reporting of sexualised violence in our industry.
We strive to provide evidence-based conclusions on trends about attacks on aid workers. Having been collecting information for more than 10 years, we have used the anonymized data collected through our partner organisations to show where and when aid workers are under threat.
We are pushing for change in the aid industry, particularly with our partner organisations. Any information on how we are failing – and acting positively – helps to create safer workplaces for aid workers, and to help other survivors to come forward.
Our work builds on the work previously done by Report the Abuse, which was the first platform for aid workers to anonymously report their experiences. We seek to fill the gap left after Report the Abuse closed.