
Aid in Danger Partner Agencies

Aid in Danger Partner Agencies

We work with over 30 partner agencies who share confidential verified security incidents that have affected their organisation. This data is anonymised and integrated into our global datasets and analysed to assess aid worker safety and security and country contexts. It is also shared on HDX.

If you are an aid agency and would like to join, please get in touch.

Global Interagency Security Forum

Global Interagency Security Forum

Insecurity Insight is an affiliate member of the Global Interagency Security Forum (GISF), an independent member network of security focal points which represent humanitarian NGOs operating internationally. GISF is the leading body on practical advice on humanitarian security risk management that balances access to, and impact for crisis-affected populations with the protection of aid workers, programmes and organisations.

Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project

Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project

ACLED is a US registered non-profit disaggregated data collection, analysis and crisis mapping project that focuses on political violence and protest activity. ACLED provides us access to events relevant for aid agency, health, education and protection programmes. We also use ACLED data to carry out aid agency relevant context and situation analysis. Insecurity Insight shares its sexual violence in conflict datasets with ACLED. These events are cited as Insecurity Insight on the ACLED database.

Humanitarian Data Exchange

Humanitarian Data Exchange

The Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX) is an open platform provided by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) for sharing data across crises and organisations. Insecurity Insight shares its datasets on HDX. We have collaborated with HDX to develop Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to feed our live data into the HDX. Under the ‘Ending violence against healthcare in conflict’ project we also have a joint Data Manager to work closely with the OCHA Centre team and support the work of the Safeguarding Health in Conflict Coalition.

Safeguarding Health in Conflict Coalition

Safeguarding Health in Conflict Coalition

Insecurity Insight serves on the Steering Committee of the Safeguarding Health in Conflict Coalition (SHCC) and carries out the data collection for the annual SHCC report. By collaborating with other members of the coalition we support advocacy activities that ensure that the data we generate is brought into policy circles.

Researching the Impact of Attacks on Healthcare Project

Researching the Impact of Attacks on Healthcare Project

Insecurity Insight is a member of the Researching the Impact of Attacks on Health Care (RIAH) project, a consortium of researchers led by the Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute at The University of Manchester in collaboration with the University of Geneva and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. The collaboration aims to improve understandings of the nature, frequency, scale, and impact of attacks on healthcare in conflict through improved data collection and analysis.

Coalition Against Conflict and Hunger

Coalition Against Conflict and Hunger

Insecurity Insight is a steering committee member of the Coalition Against Conflict and Hunger which includes a range of international civil society organisations. Its mission is to reduce the impact of conflict and violence on food security by driving political action and promoting the respect of international humanitarian law by conflict parties.

Physicians for Human Rights

Physicians for Human Rights

Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) investigates and documents human rights violations and gives voice to survivors and witnesses. Insecurity Insight collaborates with Physicians for Human Rights through the Safeguarding Health in Conflict Coalition. We have also collaborated concerning attacks on health care in Myanmar and Ukraine for which we have jointly produced two reports: Destruction and Devastation: One Year of Russia’s Assault on Ukraine’s Health Care System and Coercion and Control: Ukraine’s Health System under Russian Occupation.

Berkeley University Human Rights Center

Berkeley University Human Rights Center

The Human Rights Center at the University of California, Berkeley, conducts research on war crimes and other serious violations of international humanitarian law and human rights. Insecurity Insight and the Human Rights Center collaborated in the creation of a Story Map: Violence Against Health Care: Attacks During a Pandemic.

Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack

Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack

We collaborate with the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA ), an inter-agency coalition working to address attacks on education during armed conflict, in preparing the Insecurity Insight Monthly News Brief on Education in Danger.

International Network on Explosive Weapons

International Network on Explosive Weapons

Insecurity Insight is part of an initiative that conducts research and analysis on harms and practices from the use of explosive weapons in populated areas for the International Network on Explosive Weapons (INEW). Insecurity Insight contributes to the Explosive Weapons Monitor as well as to its quarterly series, Fragments.

Every Casualty Counts

Every Casualty Counts

Insecurity Insight is a member of Every Casualty Count’s network of casualty recording organisations. Every Casualty Counts helps develop global Standards for Casualty Recording and promotes the recognition of casualty recording as a legal obligation of governments as part of its advocacy work.

Disaster Ready

Disaster Ready

Insecurity Insight works with Disaster Ready in the development of short mobile guides for the aid sector which can be found here. Disaster Ready is a free online training provider for the aid sector that makes available cutting edge professional development resources for individuals and organisations.

H2H Network

H2H Network

Insecurity Insight is a member of the Humanitarian to Humanitarian (H2H) Network of organisations which provide services and products to operational humanitarian organisations. We have been part of several activations including for anticipatory action in 2024, Sudan in 2023, Ethiopia in 2021, COVID-19 in 2020 and during the Ebola response in the DRC in 2019.

Women, Peace and Security Program at the IPI

Women, Peace and Security Program at the IPI

The International Peace Institute’s Women, Peace, and Security Program focuses on two streams of work: “Realizing the Promise of Security Council Resolution 1325” and the Women’s Leadership Forum. Insecurity Insight supported the development and dissemination of the survey of Sexual Harassment and Abuse Against Peacekeepers in UN and African Union Missions. This research is sponsored by the Elsie Initiative for Women in Peace Operations and will result in a report published by the Women, Peace and Security program at the International Peace Institute. 

ASAR for India

ASAR for India

The Association for Socially Applicable Research (ASAR) for India carries out research on issues with direct societal implications with a view to create and communicate evidence to shape public ideas to influence better policies. Insecurity Insight has worked with ASAR for India on documenting threats and violence against health workers in India.

Save the Children US

Save the Children US

Save the Children is a global charity dedicated to the welfare of children. Insecurity Insight is grateful for the support from Save the Children US for the Humanitarian Security Incident Information Sharing and Analysis project funded by USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance.

The International Rescue Committee

The International Rescue Committee

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover and gain control of their future.  Insecurity Insight has collaborated with the IRC in the ‘Ending violence against healthcare in conflict: documentation, tools, and data-informed advocacy to stop and prevent attacks’ (EVAC) project.

Standby Task Force

Standby Task Force

Standby Task Force is a network of volunteers skilled at online digital responses to humanitarian crises, local emergencies, and issues of local or global concern. Insecurity Insight has worked with Standby Task Force on jointly collecting and disseminating information in the aftermath of natural disasters.

Vigil Insight

Vigil Insight

Insecurity Insight is part of the Vigil Insight initiative that focuses on aid sector tailored threat management using aid sector specific incident data, analysis and security risk management. See our country pages on Ethiopia, Lebanon, Mozambique and Myanmar for examples of Vigil Insight analysis.