2023 Safeguarding Health in Conflict Coalition (SHCC) Factsheet
Based on Insecurity Insight data, country factsheet of the 2023 Safeguarding Health in Conflict Coalition (SHCC) report identified 109 incidents of violence against or obstruction of health care in Afghanistan in 2023, compared to 87 in 2022. In these incidents, at least 65 health workers were arrested. Health worker arrests by Taliban forces in Afghanistan nearly doubled between 2022 and 2023 while kidnappings increased by around a quarter. The full chapter is accessible here.
Our data is available to download here and can be explored visually using our interactive map: Attacked and Threatened: Health Care at Risk.
Blog Post: When Vaccine Hesitancy Turns Violent
Vaccinations have often been treated with suspicion in Afghanistan following reports of a fake hepatitis vaccination campaign in Pakistan by US intelligence agencies and subsequent propaganda campaigns by militant groups. Insecurity Insight’s blog post for the RIAH project at the University of Manchester, UK, discusses recorded incidents of critical violence against vaccination campaigns between January 2016 and February 2022 across 16 countries including Afghanistan.