
Following a coup d’état in 2012, Mali has faced recurring political violence and instability which has created and exacerbated humanitarian needs.

Health worker kidnapped in Kidal
12 August 2024: In Kidal town, cercle and region, an INGO health worker was kidnapped by the Wagner group. He was released on 14 August 2024. Source: Personal Communication. Return to Mali home page. more
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Health Care

Insecurity Insight monitors attacks on health care in Mali.

Based on Insecurity Insight data, the Mali chapter of the 2023 Safeguarding Health in Conflict Coalition report identified at least 41 incidents of violence against or obstruction of health care in Mali in 2023, compared to 51 in 2022. At least 29 health workers were kidnapped in these incidents. Health workers in Mali continued to be killed and kidnapped by non-state armed groups, including JNIM in 2023. Violence against health care by the Wagner group quadrupled between 2022 and 2023. The full chapter is accessible here.

Our data is accessible here and can be explored visually using our interactive map: Attacked and Threatened: Health Care at Risk.

Conflict and Hunger

As part of our conflict and hunger project, Insecurity Insight monitors incidents of food-related violence in Mali. These include the deliberate burning of granaries by conflict parties, the looting of livestock and incidents of violence at markets. The data is accessible here.

Conflict-Induced Food Insecurity in Mali: Examining the Links between Conflict and Hunger

Our latest report on conflict and hunger in Mali analyses key trends in incidents of food-related violence across five regions of the country – Ménaka, Mopti, Gao, Ségou and Timbuktu – between 1 January 2019 and 15 June 2024. It also considers the foreseeable consequences of the violence for food availability and access and anticipatory actions which key stakeholders can take to mitigate the worst effects of the violence before it fully materialises. The full report can be viewed here.